19 October 2006. Maob and Canyonlands. 5:00pm
     I'd long heard that fall color in the Wasatch was a hidden gem of the west. The locals know all about it, of course, but somehow the depth and richness of the maples doesn't get much press outside of the state. I don't know how the range has maples and oaks that change color while the rest of the west is dominated by aspen, but they're there. For me, it was a metaphorical homecoming. Having grown up in the northeast (upstate New York), fall was long a special time of year. Marching band, century rides, apple cider, hillsides ablaze in orange and red...
     The nights were cold and drizzling rain in the low-forties doesn't make for a generally happy outlook. But the high clouds and the incredible subjects kept pushing me out to shoot more. I probably should have edited this down to a tighter group of photos, but couldn't bring myself to cut any more. Which is to say that this might be a touch monotonous, but humor me. I look forwards to seeing some of these printed full-size.

Maple leaves along the east side of Mount Nebo.

Aspens along the Mount Nebo scenic loop.

Aspen and maple in Uinta National Forest.

Aspen stand, Uinta National Forest.

Aspen panorama, Uinta National Forest.

Maples south of Payson.

Carpet of fallen maple leaves. A primal smell of fall.

Aspens above Sundance, on the north side of Mount Timpanogos.

Self-portrait. A clearly posed shot. I'm nowhere near this relaxed with clouds that good. But I'd already made soup while waiting for the storm to pass, so the ingredients were there waiting.

Clearing storm over the American Fork Canyon.

Maples in Logan Canyon.

Multicolored maples off of Logan Canyon.

Fallen maple leaves and boulder, Card Creek, Logan Canyon.

Forest floor, Cache National Forest.

Fallen maple leaves, Card Creek.