19 October 2006. Maob and Canyonlands. 5:00pm

     Still writing from Santa Fe. I've got a lot to catch up with. Surrendering to the immensity of Colorado, I headed west across I-70 and down along the Colorado River corridor to Castle Valley, and then up into the La Sal mountains. I'd been up in the La Sals a couple of times before, and was sorely tempted by the idea of a photograph with aspens in the foreground and the cliffs of Canyonlands in the distance. I never found that composition, but I did manage to see what's likely the most impressive sunrise I've seen in almost ten years of sporadic travel through the area. After a short time here, I headed north and west to the Wasatch Mountains, questing after deciduous trees...

A small grove of aspen amongst scrub oaks in the La Sals, twilight.

Backlit Cottonwood trees along the La Sal loop road.

Mesa Arch in Canyonlands, September 30th.

Another popular location. No, this wasn't a workshop.

October 1st, 2006. Sunrise over Grandview Point and Monument Basin, Canyonlands. Aside from the amazing opportunity to be travelling for my fifth month, this is one of the best sunrises I've seen here. I was the only person there. There were cars at the Mesa Arch trailhead again, but I'm glad I was here. Kinda wish this was in 8x10", though.

Looking south over Monument Basin and the White Rim towards the Abajos.


Sabbatical notes
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