Images from the Olympics, August 2006.
     Well, I've been slacking on the journaling, so this is just pictures and short descriptions.

Sunset from the camp at Yellow Banks. This was the second night of a weekend backpack from Rialto Beach to Lake Ozette with Anne-Marie. The first night and second day were completely overcast and foggy; no pictures to speak of. The clouds parted on the western horizon about twenty minutes before sunset.

Yellow Banks sunset #2

Dusk at Yellow Banks, looking north up the coast.

Low tide south of Cape Alava

Reflection patterns in the sand, south of Cape Alava

The interior mountains from Hurricane Ridge

PJ Lake

The Hoh rainforest

Second growth, Olympic NF

Normally I spend most of my time in the mountains, but for this trip the coast seemed like the place to be. Rialto Beach Sunset #1, 9 August 2006.

Rialto Beach Sunset #2, 9 August 2006

Rialto Beach Sunset #3, 10 August 2006

Rialto Beach Sunset #4, 10 August 2006

Tidepool at Shi Shi beach

Point of Arches

Shi Shi beach headlands

Shi Shi beach, deep twilight

Crossing on the Kingston-Edmunds ferry with Seattle and Mount Rainier in the distance.